Sunday, May 23, 2010

Honeymoon's Over

Well, it's official. The honeymoon is over. It hasn't even been two months and they are separating us. We thought we were lucking out and were going to be able to relax now that all the wedding stuff and receptions are over. That's what we get for thinking. When we started going to the family ward a few months ago, Justin was called as the 17-18 year old Sunday School teacher and I was called into the Young Women as the Personal Progress leader. We love working with the youth so we were thrilled with the assignments. We thought we were set for a while. Again, that's what we get for thinking.

Today I was sustained as the new Young Women's President. Do you see where this is going? Yeah, no more Sunday mornings together or nice relaxing evenings with nothing to do. I shouldn't complain, but seriously the President? I could have been a counselor or something at least. The best part is that the Bishop says there are a lot of concerns with the Young Women's organization right now and he's excited that I will be able to handle them. No pressure and talk about being inadequate!

Luckily I have a wonderful husband that is supportive. Unfortunately, today he came home from church with a terrible Migraine. He played it down to go to Stake Priesthood Meeting, but came home even worse and has been in bed ever's now 10:00. Poor guy. So overall, a pretty good day for us. Hahaha! Can't wait for the long weekend!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

More wedding pics...from the photographers

Appeasing the adoring fans! Love ya "P"

The Ladies!

The boys...excuse me...the MEN!!!

Justin's cute family

Natalie's family...uh yeah this is just the immediate family!

All the kiddies!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Wedding Day...Finally!

It truly was the happiest day of our lives!

The entire day was perfect! Well, other than dad's front tooth breaking at 6 in the morning, which he promptly had fixed just in time for him to be misplaced right before the ceremony. Everyone had been waiting in the sealing room and they couldn't find Papa Rick (as Justin calls him.) Then they had Uncle Alan sign as the witness, so we had to have the papers filled out all over again once they found dad. (He was right where he was supposed to be FYI) So it set us back 45 minutes. The day had been planned to the second so it added a little stress, but no major problems.

Natalie and her parents

Justin and his mom

Justin and his dad and Judy

We took pictures after the ceremony with all the friends and family that were there. The day was beautiful considering it had been blizzarding the day before...and the entire week following. Justin's sister-in-law, Cortney, took some pictures as well as the photographers we hired. The pictures here are ones she took since we haven't received our others yet. (I will post some when they arrive.) But thanks Cortney for giving these to us. After we took pictures with friends and family, Justin and I got some quality face time with Davey and April of Pointe Digital Photography. They were crazy and fun and got shots of us that were completely unique. We had them shoot a video for us also. My one regret was not getting more pictures of my bouquet since I left it in the temple after the pictures so I never got to see it again. (Alicia Rich was a saint and retrieved it from the temple the following Monday so Shannon got to enjoy it for a couple more days anyway.)

Justin with his brothers

Natalie with her brothers

Natalie with her sisters

Our reception was at the Highland Garden Reception Center. It was so beautiful and perfect. The food, provided by cousin Jean Andrew, was fantastic and we had so many compliments about it. It was such a blast to see everyone that came. We were shocked that people just kept coming and coming. The decorations (made mostly by Shannon) were perfect as well as the cake. We don't love cake generally, but the chocolate cake that Jean made was incredible!!! She sent us with half of it when we left for our honeymoon so we did get to enjoy a little of it. All in all we had a pretty wonderful day! Thank you moms and dads for everything you have done for us and definitely for what you did that day to make it perfect for us.